Yonsei Basketball Association
2022 Scholarship Application
In keeping with our mission of supporting the academic and community service involvement of the youth of our communities, Yonsei is proud to announce it will be awarding four scholarships this year:​
$1,000 Yonsei Scholarship in honor of Founder, Frank Kiyomura
$1,000 Yonsei Scholarship in honor of Sue Kamiyama
$1,000 Yonsei Scholarship funded by Kintetsu International Express (U.S.A.), Inc.
$1,000 Yonsei Scholarship funded by Changing the Community Together (CCT) Giving Circle
The scholarships will be awarded to qualified high school seniors who best exemplify the Yonsei philosophy of academic excellence, personal leadership and community service. Participation in Yonsei Basketball Association is not required. All qualified high school seniors were eligible to apply.