The second year of Yonsei is referred to as "Inbound." This is when the Japan team comes to America during the summer to play basketball, experience our culture, and go sightseeing in various cities.
The Japan teams have the opportunity to play in basketball games against Japanese American teams comprised of players from leagues such as CBO, CYC, JAO, and SEYO. Similar to Outbound, the final games will be the Yonsei teams vs. the Japan teams.​

Welcome Banquet and Farewell Dinner
At the Welcome Banquet, the Yonsei players are reunited with the Japan players they became friends with the previous summer. At the Farewell Dinner, the Yonsei players and Japan players say their final goodbyes after a busy week filled with fun activities and basketball games.
Sightseeing and Fun Events
The Yonsei players now have the chance to return their host city's hospitality and show the Japan players around the best parts of Southern California. In previous years, many players have gone to the beach, In-N-Out, and shopping malls; all the players and families have also come together to have a big picnic with friendly field day competitions such as relays and tug of war.